Tracking List: MAC 2025 - Local Ordinance & Authority

Progress: Chamber 1: Filed

HB372 - Rep. Brad Pollitt (R) - Modifies setback distances for certain areas in regards to solid waste disposal
Summary: This bill authorizes any county to adopt an ordinance, rule, regulation, or standard relating to solid waste management in the county as specified in the bill. Any setback applicable to a solid waste disposal area may not be more stringent than:

(1) Three miles from defined incorporated limits of a city, town, or village within the county; an accredited school or certain property owned and operated by school districts or educational institutions; a church or place of worship; a platted subdivision; or public areas designated for recreational activity;

(2) Three-quarters of a mile from any occupied dwelling used for residential purposes for at least six months a year; and

(3) Two hundred feet from the property line of the solid waste disposal area.

This bill is the same as HB 2302 (2024).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB1105 - Rep. Don Mayhew (R) - Changes the law regarding certain political subdivisions
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB600 - Sen. Adam Schnelting (R) - Repeals a requirement that appointment of commissioners to the Bi-State Development Agency shall be made from panels
Summary: SB 600 - This act repeals the requirement that the Governor's appointments of commissioners to the Bi-State Development Agency be selected from panels nominated by the Mayor of the City of St. Louis and the County Executive of St. Louis County.


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB939 - Rep. Mike Jones (R) - Changes provisions governing the adoption of certain building codes or standards
Summary: This bill prohibits any county or municipality from enacting or maintaining any ordinance, regulation, or other policy that requires an owner, builder, or developer to implement building design and construction practices for one- or two-family dwellings with the intent to improve sustainability, energy efficiency, and environmental responsiveness that threatens the affordability of the construction, maintenance, repair or renovation.
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB718 - Rep. Mark Boyko (D) - Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of cigarettes and tobacco products
Summary: This bill authorizes any political subdivision of this state to increase the tax on cigarettes and tobacco products within its boundaries if a majority of the qualified voters of the political subdivision approve of the increase.

This bill is the same as HB 810 (2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB704 - Rep. Eric Woods (D) - Modifies standards relating to mining practices
Summary: This bill modifies the laws relating to mining. In its main provisions, the bill:

(1) Increases the fine for a party owning, controlling , or working a mining shaft refusing to allow a county surveyor to enter the shaft from not to exceed $300 to not to exceed $1,000;

(2) Adds cobalt, rare earth minerals and silica sand to minerals requiring a person, company, or corporation to have obtained an indemnity bond before sinking a shaft, mine, tunnel, excavate or drift within a city, town, or village with 1,000 inhabitants or more and increases the penalty for not obtaining the bond from $500 to $1,000 and not less than six months in jail to not less than one year;

(3) Requires the Department of Natural Resources to provide certain notice for all permits to mine minerals;

(4) Adds aluminum to the definition of "metallic minerals" for the purposes of the Metallic Minerals Waste Management Act;

(5) Modifies the definition of "mineral" and adds the definition of "wildlife refuges" for the purposes of the Land Reclamation Act;

(6) Specifies that certain records relating to complaints filed related to an alleged violation of permitting requirements under the Land Reclamation Act are to be made available by request under the Missouri Sunshine Law with personally identifiable information of complainant redacted. Currently, any such records are considered confidential;

(7) Prohibits, beginning August 28, 2025, any person from engaging in or carrying out a mining operation for minerals without first obtaining a permit. Anyone currently engaging in or carrying out a mining operation must apply for a permit before March 1, 2026;

(8) Requires the Department, before October 1, 2025, to develop model standards and criteria, as specified in the bill, for mining, processing, and transporting minerals;

(9) Authorizes a political subdivision to enact or extend a local ordinance that prohibits new or expanding mining operations;

(10) Requires permit holders to submit a report to the Department annually containing specified information; (11) Repeals a provision of law prohibiting the Department from issuing a permit for a mine within 1,000 feet of certain schools;

(12) Prohibits excavation or mining of any mineral or refining, manufacturing or recycling specified minerals within one mile of any wildlife refuge, surface water, State Conservation Area, State park, Federal park, residence, or school;

(13) Specifies that the Department must require proof of public notice upon accepting an application for a new or expanding mine permit and the Department must accept written public comments for 60 days after receipt of the application;

(14) Requires a mining permit applicant to submit a mine plan, which includes information as specified in the bill, with the permit application;

(15) Within one week of submission of a permit application, the proposed operator must publish notice of the application in a qualified newspaper daily for four weeks or post it on the official website of the county where the land is located. The operator must also send notice of the permit application to certain other entities;

(16) Repeals the provision of laws stating that if the Department does not respond to a permit application within 45 calendar days, the application is deemed complete;

(17) Increase the time in which a person may request a public meeting from 15 days to 30 days from the date of notice;

(18) Requires, before October 1, 2026, the Department to establish and maintain a database of political subdivision ordinances and permits that have been approved for regulation of mining projects;

(19) Requires a mining permit applicant for a project involving silica sand to, beginning August 28, 2026, prepare and submit to the Department an environmental assessment worksheet if the project excavates 20 or more acres of land to a depth of 10 feet or more or is designed to store more than 7,500 tons or has an annual throughput of more than 200,000 tons of silica sand;

(20) Requires a mining permit applicant for a project involving cobalt or rare earth minerals to, beginning August 28, 2026, prepare and submit to the Department an environmental assessment worksheet; (21) Requires the Department to develop a separate worksheet for each of the minerals and specifies the information that must be included in the each worksheet;

(22) Requires the Department to adopt specified rules pertaining to certain mining operations and also regulations pertaining to reclamation of such mines;

(23) Requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to adopt an air quality health-based value for certain minerals.

This bill is similar to HB 2734 (2024) .
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB661 - Rep. Ben Keathley (R) - Requires municipalities and the department of transportation to reimburse non-rate regulated utilities for site relocation costs incurred due to road maintenance
Summary: This bill requires municipalities and the Missouri Department of Transportation to reimburse nonrate regulated utility providers, including telecommunications, Internet, and cable providers, for facility relocation due to road maintenance, construction, or other right-of-way work activity.

This bill is the same as HCS HB 2056 (2024).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB595 - Rep. Chris Brown (R) - Prohibits local governments from requiring private property owners to accept Section 8 vouchers
Summary: This bill specifies that no county or city can enact, maintain, or enforce any ordinance or resolution that prohibits landlords from refusing to lease or rent certain residential or commercial property to a person because the person's source of income includes aid from a Federal housing assistance program.

The bill specifies that no city or county may enact an ordinance that:

(1) Prohibits landlords from using income-qualifying methods to determine whether to rent or lease a property to a prospective tenant;

(2) Prohibits landlords from requesting tenant criminal records;

(3) Limits the amount of security deposit required from a tenant; or

(4) Requires tenants to automatically receive the right of first refusal.

This bill is the same as HB 2385 (2024).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HJR27 - Rep. Ian Mackey (D) - Proposes a constitutional amendment relating to the consolidation of St. Louis County and St. Louis City
Summary: Currently, St. Louis City and St. Louis County function independently from one another. Upon voter approval, this Constitutional amendment merges the county and city.

The territory of St. Louis County will be extended to embrace the territory of the City of St. Louis. St. Louis County, so expanded, will continue its corporate existence as a new political subdivision, hereafter known as the "Metropolitan City" of St. Louis.

Nothing concerning the consolidation will impair any existing obligation, contract or debt of either the city or the county. Continuation or change of employment and collective bargaining agreements are specified in the resolution. Retirement and pension benefits, if earned before the effective date of the resolution remain unchanged. The members of the board of trustees or similar governing body for any retirement fund or pension system created before the effective date of this resolution will continue to hold office until a successor is appointed.

Geographic designations in the Constitution or State law based on the territorial boundaries of St. Louis City or County continue to apply. Any city, town, or village located partially within the territory of the Metropolitan City of St. Louis will detach that part of its territory located within the City and that territory which is annexed by the Metropolitan City. Any municipal district with territory outside the Metropolitan City may continue providing services within its existing territory.

The seat of government of the Metropolitan City is located within the St. Louis City. The Metropolitan City will be a metropolitan city form of government, hereby created, and possesses all the powers and privileges of both a Constitutional charter county and a Constitutional charter city. The Metropolitan City will be governed by a charter. The initial charter is the charter of St. Louis County, as it currently exists. Any amendment to the charter submitted by ordinance requires an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the voters voting thereon for approval.

Unless otherwise provided by the charter after the "transition period", defined as the period between the effective date of this resolution and January first of the fifth year after the effective date of the resolution, there will be no elective officers of the Metropolitan City other than the Mayor, the Metropolitan Council members, the Assessor, and the Prosecuting Attorney. Elective officers must be qualified voters of the Metropolitan City and possess any additional qualification provided by the Metropolitan City's charter. Except as otherwise provided in this resolution, elective officers of the Metropolitan City are nominated and elected in the manner provided in the election laws for State and county officers. Terms of office, vacancy, and salary of elected officers are provided in the resolution.

The "Metropolitan Council", as defined in the bill consists of 33 members, as specified in the bill. Before April first of the third year after the effective date of this resolution, the Mayor and Transition Mayor will jointly appoint members of the faculty of universities located within the Metropolitan City to prepare a plan to divide the Metropolitan City into districts from which members of the Metropolitan Council are elected. Members must not have partisan affiliation. Districts will be compact, contiguous, contain as nearly equal population as possible, and respect boundaries of municipal districts and communities of interest wherever practicable. Before September third of the third year after the effective date of this resolution, the plan must be submitted for adoption by the County Council of St. Louis County and the governing body of St. Louis City as they existed before the effective date of this resolution. If, before January first of the fourth year after the effective date of this resolution, both fail to adopt identical plans with the required characteristics, the plan as submitted will be deemed approved by both. Council districts will be reapportioned the year after each Federal decennial census. Members of the Metropolitan Council must designate a president and vice president, whose term must be for two years.

All executive power will be vested in the Mayor. The initial Mayor will duly serve as County Executive of St. Louis County beginning on January 1 of the year immediately following the effective date of this resolution. Duties of the Mayor and terms of office are specified in the resolution. A vacancy in the office of Mayor will be filled by the President of the Metropolitan Council. While the President of the Council fills a vacancy in the office of Mayor, the Vice President of the Metropolitan Council must fill the role of President of the Metropolitan Council.

If a vacancy in the office of Mayor occurs during the transition period, the vacancy will be filled by the Transition Mayor. A resulting vacancy in the office of Transition Mayor will be filled by appointment by the Transition Mayor from a list of at least three qualified voters nominated by resolution of the County Council of St. Louis County. The Transition Mayor must be serving as the Mayor of St. Louis City on January 1 of the year immediately following the effective date of this resolution. The Mayor will appoint no fewer than four deputy mayors, to serve at the pleasure of the Mayor, with duties related to the following: public health and safety, economic development and innovation, community development and housing, community engagement and equity, and any other subject designated by charter.

There will be an Assessor of the Metropolitan City and Prosecuting Attorney of the Metropolitan City. The serving Assessor of St. Louis County and the serving Prosecuting Attorney for St. Louis County will assume those offices, respectively, upon the effective date of this resolution. Terms of office are specified in the resolution. Vacancies in either of these offices are filled by appointment by the Mayor of the Metropolitan City. There will be a Metropolitan City Counselor appointed by the Mayor, whose qualifications will be provided by the charter, who serves as the Metropolitan City's attorney and counselor at law and has all the powers and duties of a county counselor and a city attorney.

The Metropolitan City will have the departments and offices as established by St. Louis County as of the effective date of this resolution. Departments may thereafter be changed and otherwise provided by the charter. Except for the heads of departments appointed by a majority of the circuit judges as provided by the charter, the heads of each department are appointed by the Mayor. Boards and commissions of St. Louis County will continue as boards or commissions of the Metropolitan City, unless otherwise provided by charter or ordinance. Current members will continue holding office until a successor is duly appointed. Members will be appointed by the Mayor.

Until the conclusion of the transition period, executive functions are filled jointly by the Mayor and Transition Mayor of the Metropolitan City, as provided in the resolution.

During the transition period, the Mayor and Transition Mayor will present a plan for organization of executive departments and offices to the Metropolitan Council. Specifications of the plan are prescribed in the resolution. The plan takes effect unless disapproved by a resolution adopted by two thirds of the Council. If the plan affects the department of judicial administration, the plan does not become effective unless upon the concurrence of a majority of the circuit judges within the Metropolitan City. Upon approval, the plan supersedes and replaces all charter provisions, ordinances, rules, or other regulations inconsistent with the plan.

During the transition period, no municipal district will dispose of its property, except as required by contract, or incur any new obligation extending beyond the transition period, other than with respect to the refunding of financing obligations.

On January first of the fifth year after the effective date of this resolution, the City of St. Louis as it existed immediately before the adoption of this resolution continues its corporate existence as a political subdivision and municipal corporation and is established as the "St. Louis Municipal Corporation". The Municipal Corporation may continue the financial obligations of the City of St. Louis, as specified in the resolution. The Municipal Corporation will continue as a taxing subdistrict of the Metropolitan City. The Municipal Corporation will have a board of governors of five qualified voters appointed by the Mayor of the Metropolitan City.

Upon the effective date of this resolution, other municipalities in St. Louis County will continue their corporate existence as municipal districts within the Metropolitan City. They will be considered political subdivisions authorized to provide services within their territories that are not otherwise provided by the Metropolitan City. All existing rights, responsibilities, obligations, and liabilities relating to employment and employee benefits, and financial obligations will continue for municipal districts without impairment. The Metropolitan City may assume any outstanding obligation of a municipal district.

The governing bodies of municipal districts are the currently- serving governing bodies of the municipalities until successors are duly elected, beginning with the first general municipal election after the transition period. The boundaries of municipal districts are not to be altered except as approved by ordinance of the Metropolitan City. A board or commission of a municipality continues as a board or commission of the municipal district until otherwise provided by the municipal district, the Metropolitan City, or by law.

The resolution establishes the St. Louis Fire Protection District, the territory of which will be coextensive with the boundaries of what is currently the territory of the City of St. Louis.

All special districts and school districts and any provisions of law relating to them continues unaffected by the consolidation.

After the effective date of the resolution, the General Assembly must provide by law for a board of election commissioners or other election authority to conduct elections within the Metropolitan City. Until the General Assembly does so, the respective boards of election commissioners of St. Louis City and St. Louis County will cooperate in the performance of election duties. During the transition period, neither the Metropolitan City nor any municipal district has the power to submit any question to voters concerning the continued levy or imposition of any tax.

This resolution gradually phases out the St. Louis City earnings tax.

Neither the Metropolitan City nor any municipal district has the power to call an election or to submit any question to voters with respect to any other office of the Metropolitan City or any municipal district.

Taxes, licenses, fees, or special assessments of the Metropolitan City levied or imposed solely within the territory of a municipal district may be different from those levied or imposed generally throughout the Metropolitan City.

Municipal districts are considered separate taxing districts with taxing powers. Municipal districts may continue to require licenses and collect fees for the provision of municipal services. The fiscal year of each municipal district is the same as the fiscal year for the Metropolitan City.

The Metropolitan City is deemed as both a city and a county for determining the right to receive moneys from the State or the U.S. government. A municipal district is deemed as a political subdivision of the State and a municipal corporation for the purpose of determining the right to receive moneys from the State or the U.S. government.

Procedures for the creation and oversight of the Metropolitan City budget during the transition period are specified in the resolution. Before November 16th of the fourth year after the effective date of this resolution, the Mayor and Transition Mayor will jointly recommend and publish a balanced budget for the Metropolitan City, and a financial plan including proposed tax rates, all estimated revenue, proposed expenditures, and other items. Thereafter the Mayor must recommend a budget and the Metropolitan Council must amend and approve the budget. The Mayor may adjust expenditures as provided in the resolution.

The Judicial Conference is authorized to submit a circuit realignment plan for the alteration of the boundaries of the judicial circuits to create a single circuit for the Metropolitan City. Until the modification of the judicial circuits, the judges of the circuit courts for St. Louis City and County will continue as judges of the Metropolitan City and the number of judges will remain the same unless changed by the circuit realignment plan.
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB503 - Rep. Brad Christ (R) - Modifies provisions relating to tobacco product regulations
Summary: This bill specifies that no political subdivision can deny a qualified applicant for a tobacco products license, an alternative nicotine products license, or a vapor products license, provided that the new license is for the same business or location that had a tobacco products license, an alternative nicotine products license, or a vapor products license within the previous 24 months, as specified in the bill.

Additionally, any new licensee remains eligible for a tobacco products license, an alternative nicotine products license, or a vapor products license, or the renewal thereof, provided that the licensee complies with applicable rules and laws.

The bill changes the minimum age to purchase tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, and vapor products from 18 years of age to 21 years of age.

The Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control within the Department of Public Safety is currently allowed to employ a person 17 years of age, with parental consent, to attempt to purchase tobacco for the purpose of inspection or enforcement of tobacco laws. This bill changes the age range to 16 years of age and under 21 years of age.

This bill is the same as HCS HB 1484 (2024) and similar to HB 1039, HB 517, and SB 522 (all 2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB29 - Sen. Jason Bean (R) - Creates provisions relating to water exportation outside the state
Summary: SB 29 - The act creates provisions relating to water exportation outside the state.

Under the act, it shall be unlawful for any person to withdraw water from any water source, as defined in the act, for export outside the state unless such person holds a water exportation permit issued by the Department of Natural Resources. A water exportation permit shall not be required to withdraw water from any water source for export outside the state by a public water system, as described in the act.

It shall be unlawful for any permit exempted from the provisions of the act to be used for any purpose other than a beneficial use, specifically where the withdrawal and ultimate end use of water are within 30 miles of the state border.

During the review process of any water exportation permit, the Director of the Department shall determine from water exportation permit applications and any supporting materials whether certain conditions have been met. Such conditions are described in the act.

Within 180 days after the Department's receipt of a complete application, the Director shall issue a proposed decision to either approve or deny the application and shall hold a 30-day public comment period on the proposed approval or denial as described in the act. The Department's decision for approval shall be sent to the Missouri Soil and Water Districts Commission and the Clean Water Commission for review subject to the conditions under the act. The review process is described in the act.

Absent an appeal, the Director's decision subject to approval or disapproval by the Missouri Soil and Water Districts Commission and the Clean Water Commission is final.

Applications for renewal of a water exportation permit shall be filed at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of an existing permit and the Director shall determine whether the conditions under the act are satisfied for the renewal. The Director's decision to renew the permit shall be subject to the Missouri Soil and Water Districts Commission and the Clean Water Commission's review and approval or denial pursuant to the act.

Before granting water supply for access and use outside the state, the Director shall consider existing and proposed in-state uses in order to guarantee that in-state users will have access to and use of all of water required to adequately supply for beneficial uses. The Director shall review the needs for water supply export every 3 years to determine whether the water supply continues to be adequate for municipal, agricultural, industrial, domestic, and other beneficial uses within the state.

Provisions regarding the issuance of a water exportation permit are subject to the most recent reports, data, and information in consideration of each permit application, whether the application is for an initial permit or a renewal of an active or expired permit. The review conducted under the act shall not be used to reduce the quantity of water authorized to be transferred pursuant to the active life of a permit issued prior to such review.

On the filing of an application for a water exportation permit, the applicant shall designate an agent in the state for service of process and to receive other notices.

In the event of a conflict between the conditions of use required in Missouri and condition required in another state, the water permit holder shall consent to conditions imposed by the Director.

A major water user may request the Director to reevaluate any existing permit using the criteria described in the act. The Director shall create a mechanism for a major water user to submit a request for reevaluation and shall send his finding to the major water user within 60 days of the reevaluation request. The Director shall impose additional conditions on the water exportation permit as described in the act.

The act shall not preclude a person from brining a claim to vindicate or defend the user's water rights. A permit shall not serve as a defense to any claim brought against a water permit holder for the infringement of water rights.

The time-limited, active life of the permit, not to exceed 3 years, requires the Director to determine whether there has been a substantial or material change relating to any matters set forth under the act in response to renewal applications requesting a permit for authorization of the continued export of water outside the state. The Director may impose additional conditions to address any such substantial or material change or may deny the permit renewal applications as necessary to comply with provisions under the act. The Director's decision to renew the permit shall be subject to the requirements under the act.

At the request of the Department or upon receiving a complaint for violations of the provisions of the act, the Attorney General may bring a civil action in any county where the defendant’s principal place of business is located or where the violation occurred.

Whenever a person applies for a water exportation permit, the Department shall send a written notice to the County Commissioner of the county where the water for exportation is located.

Whenever the United States Drought Monitor (USDM) indicates a D2 level drought for any county for which an exportation permit has been issued, the Department shall reevaluate the permit, as described in the act.

The act is identical to a provision in SCS/HCS/HBs 2134 & 1956 (2024), and similar to SCS/SB 782 (2024), SB 599 (2023) and HCS/HB 1129 (2023).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB459 - Sen. Adam Schnelting (R) - Modifies provisions relating to local regulations
Summary: SB 459 - This act requires the Attorney General to investigate any ordinance, order, or rule adopted or enforced by a taxing entity that a member of the General Assembly alleges violates state law or the state constitution.

The Attorney General shall complete an investigation within thirty days of receiving a request from a member of the General Assembly and shall provide a copy of the report of the investigation to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Director of Revenue, and requesting member of the General Assembly. The Attorney General shall provide notice to the taxing entity of any violations and the taxing entity shall have thirty days to resolve the violation. If the taxing entity fails to resolve the violation, the Director of Revenue shall withhold the monthly local sales tax distribution due to such taxing entity.

Once a violation is resolved, the Director of Revenue shall resume distribution of the local sales tax revenue and shall notify the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and requesting member of the General Assembly.


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB344 - Rep. Ben Keathley (R) - Modifies provisions relating to tobacco product regulations
Summary: This bill specifies that the state preempts and supersedes all local laws, ordinances, orders, rules, or regulations enacted by a county, municipality, or other political subdivision regulating the sale of tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, or vapor products.

This bill is the same as HB 2060 (2024) and is similar to HB 1039 (2023) and SB 522 (2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB343 - Rep. Ben Keathley (R) - Prohibits local governments from requiring private property owners to accept Section 8 vouchers
Summary: Currently, no county or city can regulate the amount of rent for certain residential or commercial rental property.

This bill specifies that no county or city can enact, maintain, or enforce any ordinance or resolution that prohibits landlords from refusing to lease or rent certain residential or commercial property to a person because the person's source of income includes aid from a Federal housing assistance program.

The bill specifies that no city or county may enact an ordinance that:

(1) Prohibits landlords from using income-qualifying methods to determine whether to rent or lease a property to a prospective tenant;

(2) Prohibits landlords from requesting tenant criminal records;

(3) Limits the amount of security deposit required from a tenant; or

(4) Requires tenants to automatically receive the right of first refusal.

This bill is the same as HB 2385 (2024).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB400 - Sen. Tracy McCreery (D) - Repeals certain provisions relating to county health ordinances
Summary: SB 400 - The act repeals provisions stating that certain county commissions and health center boards shall not promulgate rules that impose standards or requirements on an agricultural operation that are inconsistent with any provision in current law.

The act is identical to SB 1367 (2024) and HB 375 (2024).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB325 - Sen. Ben Brown (R) - Preempts certain local ordinances with respect to employment law
Summary: SB 325 - Under current law, state minimum wage laws preempt and nullify all political subdivision ordinances, rules, and regulations relating to the establishment or enforcement of a minimum or living wage or the provision of employment benefits that exceed state laws, rules, or regulations. This act adds to the list of political subdivision policies, ordinances, or resolutions that may not be enacted to include the following:

• Those that regulate the information an employer or potential employer shall request, require, or exclude on an application for employment from an employee or prospective employee;

• Those requiring an employer to provide to an employee paid or unpaid leave time that conflicts with what is required by state law;

• Those regulating the hours and scheduling that an employer is required to provide to employees or employee output during work hours;

• Those regulating or creating administrative or judicial remedies for wage, hour, or benefit disputes, including, but not limited to, any benefits described in this act.

Certain exceptions are created, as delineated in the act.

This act is substantially similar to SB 1066 (2024), HB 2866 (2024), and SB 712 (2023).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB309 - Sen. Travis Fitzwater (R) - Creates new provisions relating to digital assets
Summary: SB 309 - This act creates the Blockchain Basics Act, establishing new provisions relating to digital assets.


This act prohibits the state from prohibiting, restricting, or otherwise impairing the ability of an individual to use digital assets to purchase legal goods or services. Additionally, the state shall not prohibit, restrict, or otherwise impair the ability of an individual to self-custody digital assets using a self-hosted wallet or third-party wallet.


Digital assets used as a method of payment shall not be subject to any additional tax, withholding, assessment, or charge by the state or a political subdivision that is based solely on the use of the digital asset as the method of payment.

Digital assets used as a method of payment shall not be subject to capital gains tax subject to a two-hundred-dollar limit per transaction, such amount to be adjusted for inflation on January first annually based on the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index.


Neither the state nor a political subdivision thereof shall prohibit an individual from participating in home digital asset mining as long as such individual complies with all local noise ordinances. Moreover, no political subdivision shall place any specific limit on sound decibels generated from home digital asset mining that is more restrictive than other limits set for sound pollution enforced by the political subdivision.


Neither the state nor a political subdivision thereof shall prohibit a digital asset mining business from operating in any area zoned for industrial use provided they comply with all current ordinances. Moreover, no political subdivision shall place any specific limit on sound decibels generated from a digital asset mining business that is more restrictive than other general limits set for sound pollution in areas zoned for industrial use.

No political subdivision shall impose any requirement on a digital asset mining business that is not also a requirement for data centers in its jurisdiction.

No political subdivision shall change the zoning of a digital asset mining business without satisfying proper notice and comment requirements. A digital asset mining business shall be able to appeal a change in zoning to a court with proper jurisdiction. Provisions are included governing any cause of action brought pursuant to this provision.


The public service commission may approve rates reflective of cost to serve but shall not approve a rate schedule for digital asset mining that creates discriminatory rates for digital asset mining businesses.

This act is identical to SCS/SB 1050 (2024) and substantially similar to SB 1507 and HB 2107 (2024) and similar to SB 692 (2023).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB229 - Sen. Ben Brown (R) - Creates provisions relating to permits from political subdivisions
Summary: SB 229 - This act provides that when a person submits a request to a political subdivision for a permit to develop property, the political subdivision shall approve or deny the request within 60 days upon the receipt of the request from an applicant. If the political subdivision fails to approve or deny the request within 60 days, then the request is approved. If the political subdivision denies the request, the political subdivision shall provide the reasons in writing for the denial. The 60-day time limit may be extended as provided in the act.

This act is identical to SB 994 (2024).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB121 - Sen. Jason Bean (R) - Creates a county option to enact "right-to-work" laws
Summary: SB 121 - This act prohibits employers from requiring employees to become or refrain from becoming a member of a labor organization or pay dues or other charges required of labor organization members as a condition of employment.

Any person who violates or directs another to violate this act is guilty of a class C misdemeanor. Moreover, any person injured as a result of violation or threatened violation of this act is entitled to injunctive relief and certain other damages.

Prosecuting attorneys and the Attorney General are charged with investigating complaints.

The provisions of this act do not apply to any agreement between an employer and a labor organization entered into before the effective date of this act but shall apply to any such agreement upon its renewal or extension in any respect after the effective date of this act. Certain other exemptions apply as well.

This act only applies in counties where the governing body of the county has submitted a question to its qualified voters asking whether the county shall be subject to this act. If a majority of the votes are in favor of the question, the provisions of this act become effective in the county upon approval. The governing body is also permitted to submit a question to the voters on repealing an ordinance adopted pursuant to this act.

Additionally, the voters may submit a petition for the purpose of repealing an ordinance adopted pursuant to this act.

This act is identical to SB 781 (2024), SB 54 (2023) and substantially similar to SB 706 (2022), SB 73 (2021), SB 118 (2021), HB 87 (2021), HB 505 (2021), and SB 240 (2019).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed