Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB200 - Rep. Bill Falkner (R) - Modifies provisions relating to sewage disposal
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Currently, a State standard for the location, size of sewage tanks, and length of lateral lines is based partially on the percolation or permeability rate of the soil, as well as other specified factors. This bill modifies this provision to state that the standard is based partially on soil properties.
Currently, soil tests are to be performed by persons who are qualified to perform the percolation tests. This bill instead authorizes on-site soil evaluators registered by the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct soil morphology evaluations. The bill repeals a provision allowing contractors to be taught and perform percolation tests.
The bill creates a mandatory registration program requiring continuing education until January 1, 2026, for on-site wastewater treatment system professionals qualified to perform percolation tests in accordance with the state standard. The administrative authority may accept a percolation test at its own discretion until January 1, 2026, if a soil morphology evaluation cannot be reasonably obtained.
Any person who intends to construct or make major modifications or repairs to an on-site sewage disposal system must submit an application fee and obtain a construction permit. This bill repeals the provision stating that the fee for on-site sewage modification and repair may be no greater than necessary to cover the cost to implement the state standard for on-site sewage disposal systems and the registration of contractors.
Currently, the Department must establish the fee for on-site sewage disposal system modification and repair by rule at an amount no greater than $90 and may charge an additional fee as necessary to cover the expenses of training contractors to perform the percolation tests. The bill allows that the Department instead may promulgate regulations establishing the conditions and requirements for the construction permit application including the collection of reasonable fees set at a level to produce revenue not exceeding the cost and expense of administering the program.
This bill is similar to HB 2083 (2024). |
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Chamber 1: Filed |
SB29 - Sen. Jason Bean (R) - Creates provisions relating to water exportation outside the state
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SB 29 - The act creates provisions relating to water exportation outside the state. Under the act, it shall be unlawful for any person to withdraw water from any water source, as defined in the act, for export outside the state unless such person holds a water exportation permit issued by the Department of Natural Resources. A water exportation permit shall not be required to withdraw water from any water source for export outside the state by a public water system, as described in the act. It shall be unlawful for any permit exempted from the provisions of the act to be used for any purpose other than a beneficial use, specifically where the withdrawal and ultimate end use of water are within 30 miles of the state border. During the review process of any water exportation permit, the Director of the Department shall determine from water exportation permit applications and any supporting materials whether certain conditions have been met. Such conditions are described in the act. Within 180 days after the Department's receipt of a complete application, the Director shall issue a proposed decision to either approve or deny the application and shall hold a 30-day public comment period on the proposed approval or denial as described in the act. The Department's decision for approval shall be sent to the Missouri Soil and Water Districts Commission and the Clean Water Commission for review subject to the conditions under the act. The review process is described in the act. Absent an appeal, the Director's decision subject to approval or disapproval by the Missouri Soil and Water Districts Commission and the Clean Water Commission is final. Applications for renewal of a water exportation permit shall be filed at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of an existing permit and the Director shall determine whether the conditions under the act are satisfied for the renewal. The Director's decision to renew the permit shall be subject to the Missouri Soil and Water Districts Commission and the Clean Water Commission's review and approval or denial pursuant to the act. Before granting water supply for access and use outside the state, the Director shall consider existing and proposed in-state uses in order to guarantee that in-state users will have access to and use of all of water required to adequately supply for beneficial uses. The Director shall review the needs for water supply export every 3 years to determine whether the water supply continues to be adequate for municipal, agricultural, industrial, domestic, and other beneficial uses within the state. Provisions regarding the issuance of a water exportation permit are subject to the most recent reports, data, and information in consideration of each permit application, whether the application is for an initial permit or a renewal of an active or expired permit. The review conducted under the act shall not be used to reduce the quantity of water authorized to be transferred pursuant to the active life of a permit issued prior to such review. On the filing of an application for a water exportation permit, the applicant shall designate an agent in the state for service of process and to receive other notices. In the event of a conflict between the conditions of use required in Missouri and condition required in another state, the water permit holder shall consent to conditions imposed by the Director. A major water user may request the Director to reevaluate any existing permit using the criteria described in the act. The Director shall create a mechanism for a major water user to submit a request for reevaluation and shall send his finding to the major water user within 60 days of the reevaluation request. The Director shall impose additional conditions on the water exportation permit as described in the act. The act shall not preclude a person from brining a claim to vindicate or defend the user's water rights. A permit shall not serve as a defense to any claim brought against a water permit holder for the infringement of water rights. The time-limited, active life of the permit, not to exceed 3 years, requires the Director to determine whether there has been a substantial or material change relating to any matters set forth under the act in response to renewal applications requesting a permit for authorization of the continued export of water outside the state. The Director may impose additional conditions to address any such substantial or material change or may deny the permit renewal applications as necessary to comply with provisions under the act. The Director's decision to renew the permit shall be subject to the requirements under the act. At the request of the Department or upon receiving a complaint for violations of the provisions of the act, the Attorney General may bring a civil action in any county where the defendant’s principal place of business is located or where the violation occurred. Whenever a person applies for a water exportation permit, the Department shall send a written notice to the County Commissioner of the county where the water for exportation is located. Whenever the United States Drought Monitor (USDM) indicates a D2 level drought for any county for which an exportation permit has been issued, the Department shall reevaluate the permit, as described in the act. The act is identical to a provision in SCS/HCS/HBs 2134 & 1956 (2024), and similar to SCS/SB 782 (2024), SB 599 (2023) and HCS/HB 1129 (2023). JULIA SHEVELEVA
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Chamber 1: Filed |
SB82 - Sen. Jamie Burger (R) - Creates provisions relating to water preservation in the state of Missouri
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SB 82 - Under the act, it shall be unlawful for any person to withdraw water from any water source, as defined in the act, for export outside the state of Missouri by a pipeline facility unless the person holds a water exportation permit issued by the Department of Natural Resources. A water exportation permit shall not be required to withdraw water from any water source for export outside the state where the withdrawal and ultimate end use are within the 6-digit hydrological unit code as defined by the U.S. Geological Survey and within 20-miles of the border of the state. Before issuing the permit, the Director shall determine from the application and any supporting materials whether certain conditions have been met, as described in the act. Within 180 days after the Department's receipt of an application for water exportation, the Director of the Department shall determine whether the conditions under the act are satisfied. If the conditions are satisfied, the Director shall make a recommendation to the Clean Water Commission for approval of the permit. Upon receipt of the Director's recommendation, the Commission at its next meeting shall indicate its approval or disapproval of the recommendation by a majority vote, as described in the act. Any application for renewal of an active water exportation permit shall be filed at least 180 days prior to the expiration of an existing permit. In determining whether a recommendation for renewal is appropriate, the Director shall assess whether the conditions under the act are still satisfied. Before granting access to a water resource for uses outside the state, the Director shall consider existing and proposed in-state uses to guarantee that in-state users have access to and use of all water to maintain an adequate supply for beneficial uses. The Director shall review the needs for water supply export every 5 years to determine whether the water supply continues to be adequate for beneficial uses within the state. Provisions regarding the issuance of a water exportation permit are subject to the most recent reports, data, and information in consideration of each permit application, whether the application is for an initial permit or renewal of an active or expired permit. The review conducted under the act shall not be used to reduce the quantity of water authorized to be transferred pursuant to the active life of permits issued prior to such review. On the filing of an application for a water exportation permit, the applicant shall designate an agent in the state for service of process and to receive other notices. In the event of a conflict between the conditions of use required in Missouri and condition required in another state, the water permit holder shall consent to conditions imposed by the Director. The time-limited, active life of the permit, not to exceed 5 years, requires the Director to determine whether there has been a substantial or material change relating to permit renewals. The Director may include additional conditions to address any substantial or material change during the permit renewal process. The Director may deny permit renewal applications as necessary based on any such substantial or material change. At the request of the Department, the Attorney General may bring appropriate action to enforce provisions of the act. A cause of action may be brought in any county where the defendant's principal place of business is located or where the withdrawal of water occurred. The act is identical to HCS/HB 2153 (2024), and similar to SCS/SB 782 (2024), SB 599 (2023), and HCS/HB 1129 (2023). JULIA SHEVELEVA
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Chamber 1: Filed |
SB139 - Sen. Rusty Black (R) - Creates provisions relating to electric utilities
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SB 139 - SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION FACILITIES (Section 393.170) The provisions of the act shall apply when the permission and approval from the Public Service Commission is sought for the construction of electric transmission facilities approved by a regional transmission operator. Design specifications for such facilities are described in the act. Such facilities will be sited with or replace or upgrade existing above-ground electrical infrastructure that is not owned by an entity seeking permission and approval for the construction of such facilities from the Commission as described in the act. Each electrical corporation seeking permission and approval for the construction of a public utility shall competitively bid the major construction components of each project and shall utilize competitive sourcing strategies for all related major materials. Only electrical corporations that own in-service electric transmission facilities that are under the functional control of a regional transmission operator and to which the facilities will connect may file applications with the Commission for permission and approval to construct the facilities as described in the act. Conditions for the approval from the Commission for the construction of the facility are described in the act. The act shall not limit the right of any electrical corporation to seek permission and approval from the Commission to construct, operate, and maintain electric transmission facilities that will not initially connect to electric transmission facilities that are not under the functional control of a regional transmission operator. The right of any electrical corporation, municipal utility, joint electric utility commissions, rural cooperatives, or any other electric or non-profit corporation, as described in the act, shall not be limited to construct, operate, and maintain electric transmission facilities that are not under the functional control of a regional transmission operator. Considerations of applications for the construction of the electric transmission facilities are described in the act. The act creates the definitions for "electric transmission facilities" and "regional transmission operator". These provisions are identical to a provision in HB 1449 (2024), and substantially similar to SB 805 (2024), and similar to HB 1805 (2024) and SB 568 (2023). CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES ON AGRICULTURAL LAND (Section 393.172) Under the act, by March 31, 2026, the Commission shall adopt rules applicable to the electrical corporations that require the entity constructing an electric transmission line under the act to adhere to the standards to be adopted by the rules relating to construction activities occurring on privately owned agricultural land. Specifics for such standards are described in the act. This provision is identical to a provision in SB 805 (2024), and similar to a provision in HB 1449 (2024). CONDEMNATION OF LAND BY CERTAIN UTILITIES (Section 523.010) Under the act, the authority of any corporation to condemn property shall not extend to the construction or erection of any facility or structure that utilizes, captures, or converts wind or air currents, or solar energy to generate or manufacture electricity. The authority of such corporation to condemn property shall extend to the acquisition of rights needed to construct, operate, and maintain certain electrical infrastructure, as described in the act, needed to collect and deliver energy generated or manufactured by solar or wind facilities to the distribution or transmission grid. This provision is identical to a provision in SB 805 (2024), a provision in SCS/HCS/HB 1746 (2024), SB 1262 (2024), HB 1449 (2024), the perfected HB 1750 (2024), and similar to SB 833 (2024). JULIA SHEVELEVA
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Chamber 1: Filed |
SB199 - Sen. Jason Bean (R) - Creates provisions relating to condemnation of land by certain utilities
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SB 199 - Under the act, the authority of any electrical corporation to condemn property shall not extend to the construction of any structure or facility that uses wind or solar energy to generate or manufacture electricity. The authority of any electrical corporation to condemn property shall extend to acquisition of rights needed to construct, operate, and maintain certain electrical infrastructure, described in the act, needed to collect and deliver solar or wind energy to the distribution or transmission grid. The act is identical SB 1262 (2024), to a provision in SB 805 (2024), a provision in HB 1449 (2024), a provision in SCS/HCS/HB 1746 (2024), provisions in HB 1052 (2023) and substantially similar to HB 1750 (2024), and SB 577 (2023). JULIA SHEVELEVA
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Chamber 1: Filed |
SB213 - Sen. Travis Fitzwater (R) - Modifies and creates new provisions relating to electric utilities
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SB 213 - The act creates and modifies provisions relating to electric utilities. PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR FARMS (Section 67.5350) Under the act, prior to obtaining a certificate of public convenience or necessity from the Public Service Commission, any person constructing a solar farm shall first submit an application to the county commission in each county where the solar farm is to be located. The county commission of any county shall adopt an order or an ordinance requiring a permit to construct a solar farm within specified boundaries in an unincorporated area within the county. The permit shall require any construction of a solar farm to be at least one thousand feet from any church, school, city, town, village, or a private residence. Within 90 days of receiving an application for a permit, the county commission shall hold a public meeting before the issuance of a permit. Notice shall be provided at least 14 days prior to the public meeting. The applicant shall provide certain information at the public meeting as described in the act. No later than 90 days after the public meeting, the county commission shall do the following: - Issue a permit; - Issue a permit limiting the boundaries of the proposed solar farm; or - Deny the permit. Any applicant intending to make a material amendment to the permit once it is issued shall submit a new application for the permit to the county commission. The county commission shall require any applicant who is issued a permit to obtain liability insurance in an amount sufficient to cover any damages which may arise from the construction of the solar farm. The Public Service Commission shall not issue a certificate of public convenience or necessity to any applicant who did not receive a permit from a county commission in each county where the solar farm is to be located. These provisions are substantially similar to SB 892 (2024). TAXATION OF SOLAR ENERGY PROJECTS (Section 137.100, 137.124, 153.030, & 153.034) Current law exempts solar energy systems not held for resale from property taxes. This act repeals such provision and provides that solar energy systems constructed for exclusive use of a single property may be exempted from property tax at the discretion of the county assessor. Beginning January 1, 2026, for purposes of assessing all real property, excluding land, or tangible personal property associated with a project that uses solar energy directly to generate electricity, 37.5% of the original costs shall be the true value in money of such property. Such value shall begin the year immediately following the year of construction of the property. Original costs are described in the act. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to prohibit a project from engaging in enhanced enterprise zone agreements or similar tax abatement agreements or to affect any existing enhanced enterprise zone agreements. Beginning January 1, 2026, for any public utility which has a solar energy project, such solar energy project shall be assessed using the methodology for real and personal property as described under the act. The real and tangible personal property associated with a project which uses solar energy shall include certain solar equipment as described in the act. These provisions are identical to SB 892 (2024), HB 2651 (2024), SB 549 (2023), SB 1014 (2022) and HB 1997 (2022). COMMISSION'S RULEMAKING AUTHORITY RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES ON AGRICULTURAL LAND (Section 393.172) By March 31, 2026, the Public Service Commission shall promulgate rules applicable to electrical corporations requiring construction of electric transmission lines for which permission is sought from the Commission to adhere to specific standards relating to construction activities occurring on privately owned agricultural land. Such standards are described in the act. This provision is identical to SB 892 (2024), and similar to a provision in SB 805 (2024). JULIA SHEVELEVA
Progress: |
Chamber 1: Filed |
SB369 - Sen. Rick Brattin (R) - Modifies certain provisions relating to solar energy systems
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SB 369 - The act modifies certain provisions relating to the Net Metering and Easy Connection Act and solar panels rules by homeowner's associations. Under the act, a retail electric supplier shall make net metering available to customer-generators until the total rated generating capacity of net metering equals 15%, instead of 5% as currently provided, of the retail electric supplier's single-hour peak load during the previous year, after which the total rated generating capacity of net metering may be increased above 15%, instead of 5% as currently provided. In a given year, no retail electric supplier shall be required to approve any application for interconnection if the total rate generating capacity equals or exceeds 2%, instead of 1% as currently provided. A retail electric supplier shall offer to the customer-generator the retail electric rate that is a tariff or a contract and identical in electric energy rates. A retail electric supplier shall disclose annually the availability of the net metering program to its customers with the method of disclosure being at the discretion of the Public Service Commission, instead of the supplier as currently provided. If the customer generator's existing meter equipment does not meet certain requirements, the customer-generator shall reimburse the retail electric supplier for the costs associated with the additional equipment approved by the Commission. The act repeals certain provisions relating to net electrical energy measurement requirements and provides that if the electricity generated by a customer-generator exceeds the electricity supplied by the supplier during a billing period, the customer shall be credited an amount at least equal to the retail electric costs, instead of the avoided fuel, with the credit applied anytime during the following 12-month period, instead of the following billing period as currently provided. The act repeals provisions relating to certain safety and performance requirements for each electric energy generation unit and provides that each unit shall meet the requirements of the unified solar permit and inspection form promulgated by the Commission. For systems of 100 kilowatts or less, instead of 10 kilowatts as currently provided, a customer-generator shall not be required to install additional controls or pay for additional equipment. For systems of greater than 100 kilowatts, instead of 10 kilowatts as currently provided, the commission for electrical corporations and the respective governing body shall meet Commission standards and shall be reviewed and responded to by the electric supplier within 30 days or the application for interconnection of a qualified electric energy generation unit shall be considered approved. The act repeals certain provisions relating to the application requirements. The Commission shall, within 6 months of January 1, 2026, instead of within 9 months of January 1, 2008 as currently provided, promulgate initial rules for the administration of the provisions of the Net Metering and Easy Connection Act. For systems of 100 kilowatts or less, instead of 10 kilowatts as currently provided, the application process shall use an all-in-one document as described in current law. The act repeals certain provisions relating to simple contracts to be used for interconnection and net metering by the governing body of a rural electric cooperative or municipal utility. Before January 1, 2026, the Commission shall create and implement a unified solar permit and inspection form and automated permitting and inspection software for solar energy. Certain governing bodies, as described in the act, shall utilize such software and collect fees from applicants for solar energy device permits. The fees shall be forwarded to the Commission. A homeowner's association shall deny or request re-submission of any applications for solar panels or solar collectors within 30 days of receipt or the application shall be considered approved. A homeowner's association shall not require the application to pass review or be approved by any committee or board designed to address architectural or aesthetic qualities or conditions. Additionally, the act creates new definition for "retail electric rate" and "reasonable rules" and modifies certain existing definitions. The act is identical to SB 1491 (2024) and HB 2592 (2024). JULIA SHEVELEVA
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Chamber 1: Filed |
SB467 - Sen. Kurtis Gregory (R) - Modifies provisions related to net metering
Summary: |
SB 467 - Under the act, a retail electric supplier shall offer net metering, as defined in the act, to customer-generators pursuant to tariffs approved by the Public Service Commission or contract approved by the governing body of an electrical corporation approved by the respective governing body of other retail electric supplies under certain options described in the act. A customer-generator's facility shall be equipped with certain equipment including, but not limited to, necessary electric distribution system upgrades. If the electricity generated by the customer-generator exceeds the electricity supplied by the supplier during a billing cycle, the customer-generator shall demand charges for the billing cycle. Each qualified electric energy generation unit used by a customer-generator shall be installed, maintained, and repaired in accordance with all applicable industry standards described in current law. All qualified electric energy generation units utilizing battery backup shall be installed to operate completely isolated from the retail electric supplier's system including all neutral connections and grounding points during times of back up operation. Unless allowed under the provisions of the act, no retail electric supplier shall impose any fee or other requirement as described in current law, except that a retail electric supplier may require that a customer-generator's system contain adequate surge protection, or other accessible device that would allow emergency response personnel to disconnect from the electric distribution system. Applications by a customer-generator for interconnection of a qualified electric energy generation shall be accompanied by a plan for the customer-generator's electrical generating system and reviewed by a retail electric supplier, unless mutually agreed to. Prior to the interconnection of the qualified electric energy generation to the retail electric supplier's system, the customer-generator will furnish a retail electric supplier a certification from a professional electrician or an engineer deemed qualified by the retail electric supplier. If the professional electrician or engineer is not licensed, the retail electric supplier may require a bond or other form of financial security to ensure the safe installation and operation of the qualified electric energy generation unit. The estimated generating capacity of all net metering systems shall count for purposes of compliance with any applicable federal law. Any non-retail electric supplier who sells a qualified electric energy generation unit or who provides a net metering service to a customer-generator under the act shall be subject to certain requirements described in the act. Provisions of the act shall be enforced by the Attorney General under the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act as described in the act. The act is identical SB 855 (2024), HB 1705 (2024), HB 1854 (2024), and similar to SB 642 (2023), HB 709 (2023) and HB 991 (2023). JULIA SHEVELEVA
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Chamber 1: Filed |
HB370 - Rep. Brad Banderman (R) - Modifies provisions for net metering
Summary: |
This bill modifies the definitions of "customer-generator" and "net metering" for the purposes of the Net Metering and Easy Connection Act. The bill also clarifies the Public Service Commission or the governing body of an electric cooperative or a municipal utility are to offer net metering to customers who generate their own electricity at rates identical in certain ways to rates if the customer did not generate electricity. In the alternative, the rates may be reasonably calculated to recover the portion of the electric supplier's fixed and demand costs that are not eliminated by the customer's operation of an electric energy generation unit.
The bill also requires that an electric energy generation unit must not only meet all applicable safety and performance standards, it must be installed and maintained in accordance with the standards. All generation units using battery backup must operate completely isolated from the supplier's system.
Currently, a customer must provide a supplier with a certification of proper installation from a qualified professional electrician or engineer before connecting to the supplier's system. This bill requires the supplier to approve the electrician or engineer. In the event that the electrician or engineer is not licensed, the supplier may require a bond or other form or surety.
Any person who is not a retail electric supplier that sells an electric energy generation unit or provides net metering service must provide a prospective or existing customer-generator at least five business days to evaluate a proposal to construct an electric energy generation unit, which must include certain information as specified in the bill; perform an energy efficiency audit on the premises to be served by the unit and inform the prospective or existing customer-generator of available energy efficiency measures to address the results of the audit; and demonstrate to the customer-generator that the person selling the unit or providing the service meets certain requirements. Any violation may be enforced by the Office of the Attorney General under the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act.
This bill is the same as HB 1854 (2024) and similar to HB 991 (2023). |
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Chamber 1: Filed |
HB440 - Rep. Kent Haden (R) - Modifies and creates new provisions relating to electric utilities
Summary: |
Beginning January 1, 2026, for purposes of assessing all real property, excluding land, or tangible personal property associated with a project that uses solar energy directly to generate electricity, the tax liability will be equal to $2500 per megawatt of nameplate capacity. All land associated with the project that used solar energy will be assessed as commercial property.
As specified in this bill, if any public utility company has ownership of any real or personal property associated with a project which uses solar energy directly to generate electricity, such solar energy project property will be valued and taxed by any local authorities having jurisdiction.
Beginning January 1, 2026, for any public utility company which has a solar energy project, such solar energy project must be assessed with any solar energy property of such company assessed upon the county assessor's local tax rolls, and all other real property, excluding land, or personal property related to the solar energy project assessed using the methodology as specified in the bill.
The total amount of real property associated with all solar energy projects in any county may not exceed 2% of all cropland in the county, except a county commission may increase the percentage by order, ordinance, regulation, or a vote of the county residents. Any resident of the county has standing to bring suit if he or she believes that the cap on cropland has been met.
For all solar energy projects built on or after January 1, 2026, the project will be subject to certain setbacks specified in the bill from adjacent property.
A solar energy company must secure all property rights or easements necessary for transmission and interconnection to the electrical grid prior to construction of a solar energy project.
This bill is the same as HCS HB 2651 (2024). |
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Chamber 1: Filed |
HB445 - Rep. Michael O'Donnell (R) - Modifies provisions relating to utilities
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This bill modifies the laws relating to utilities.
Beginning January 1, 2025, for purposes of assessing all real property, excluding land, or tangible personal property associated with a project that uses solar energy directly to generate electricity and that was built, or was contracted to sell power, prior to December 31, 2024, or with a placard of one megawatt or less must be considered to be de minimis in value.
The tax liability owed on solar energy projects built prior to December 31, 2024, must not exceed $500 per megawatt.
This section expires on December 31, 2050.
Beginning January 1, 2026, the depreciation tables used to assess tangible personal property will be used to assess real property that is used for the transportation or storage of liquid and gaseous products including water, sewage, and natural gas that is not propane or LP gas, but not including petroleum products.
The bill sets the rate of compensation for members of a County Board of Trustees. Each trustee of the Board may receive an attendance fee not to exceed $100 for attending each regularly called board meeting, or special meeting, but must not be paid for attending more than two meetings in any calendar month, except that in a county of the first classification, a trustee will not be paid for attending more than four meetings in any calendar month. However, no trustee will be paid more than one attendance fee if such trustee attends more than one board meeting in a calendar week. Each trustee of the Board must be reimbursed for his or her actual expenditures in the performance of his or her duties on behalf of the district.
The bill sets the rate of compensation for members of a Sewer District Board of Trustees. Each trustee of the Board may receive an attendance fee not to exceed $100 for attending each regularly called board meeting, or special meeting, but must not be paid for attending more than two meetings in any calendar month, except that in a county of the first classification, a trustee will not be paid for attending more than four meetings in any calendar month. However, no trustee will be paid more than one attendance fee if such trustee attends more than one board meeting in a calendar week. Each trustee of the Board will be reimbursed for his or her actual expenditures in the performance of his or her duties on behalf of the district.
The bill expands the definition of a "large water public utility" to state that such an entity will regularly provide water services to more than 8,000 customers, sewer services to more than 8,000 customer connections, or regularly provide a combination of either to more than 8,000 customer connections. For any acquisition of a small water utility with an appraised value of $5 million or less, the Public Service Commission must issue its decision within six months of the submission of the application by the large water public utility to acquire a small water utility. The Public Service Commission or the Office of Public Counsel may request an extension for approval of 30 days upon a showing of good cause.
This bill specifies that electric utilities with more than 250,000 but less than 1 million retail customers in Missouri as of the end of 2022 with energy that meets the criteria of the renewable energy portfolio requirements and is contracted for by an accelerated renewable buyer must:
(1) Have all associated renewable energy certificates retired by the accelerated renewable buyer and the certificates may not be used to meet the electric utility?s portfolio requirements;
(2) Be excluded from the total electric utility?s sales used to determine the portfolio requirements; and
(3) Be used to offset all or a portion of its electric load to determine compliance with the portfolio requirements.
The bill specifies that the accelerated renewable buyer is exempt from any renewable energy standard compliance costs as established by the utility and approved by the Public Service Commission. Each electric utility must certify, and verify as necessary, to the Commission that the accelerated renewable buyer has satisfied the exemption requirements as specified in the bill. The accelerated renewable buyer may also certify the exemption requirements to the Commission individually. DEFERRALS BY ELECTRICAL CORPORATIONS (Section 393.1400)
The bill removes "new natural gas units" from the definition of "qualifying electric plant" for the purposes of certain deferrals by electrical corporations.
Currently, an electrical corporation must defer to a regulatory asset 85% of all depreciation expense and return associated with all qualifying electric plant recorded to plant-in-service on the utility's books. The bill increases the required deferral to 90%.
The cost of investments in new generating units and energy storage systems are excluded from the total investments reflected in each year's capital investment plan for which required investments in grid modernization projects are determined.
The bill extends the sunset date of certain provisions relating to deferrals by electrical corporations from December 31, 2028 to December 31, 2035. The deadline to file an application seeking permission from the Public Service Commission relating to deferrals will be extended from December 31, 2026 to December 31, 2033.
Provisions relating to electrical corporations seeking deferrals expire on December 31, 2040, instead of on December 31, 2033.
The bill allows a public utility with sewer service to more than 8,000 customer connections, or a combination of either water and sewer to more than 8,000 customer connections to file a petition and proposed rate schedules with the Public Service Commission to establish or change a WSIRA that will provide for the recovery of the appropriate pretax revenues associated with the eligible infrastructure system projects.
The bill makes adjustments to the way in which a gas corporation may apply certain discounts to its customers in their use of the service. The way in which a customer may qualify for one of the discounts is set forth as follows:
(1) When the customer is a new customer and the new load is reasonably projected to be at least 270,000 ccf annually, the discount must equal up to 25% subject to the limiting provisions of this section and will apply for four years; or (2) When the customer is an existing customer and the new load is reasonably projected to be at least 135,000 ccf annually, the discount will equal 25% subject to the limiting provisions of this section and must apply for four years.
To obtain the discount, the customer's load must be incremental; receive local, regional, or state economic development incentives; and meet the criteria set in the gas corporation's economic development rider tariff sheets.
In each general rate proceeding, the difference in revenues generated by applying the discounted rates and the revenues that would have been generated without such discounts will not be imputed into the gas corporation's revenue requirement. Instead, the revenue requirement should be set using the revenues generated by the discounted rates and allocated to all customer classes as specified in the bill.
The bill authorizes the Public Service Commission to directly contract counsel, financial advisors, or other consultants necessary to implement the provisions of the law allowing for the Commission to approve the issuance of securitized utility tariff bonds by an electrical corporation. The Commission must establish a process for bidding such contracts and make the policy and rate case-specific contract information publicly available.
This bill is similar to HB 1746 (2024) and SB 275 (2023). |
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Chamber 1: Filed |
HB475 - Rep. Brad Pollitt (R) - Modifies provisions for eminent domain for utility purposes
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This bill prohibits the use of eminent domain by electrical corporations for the construction or erection of any plant, tower, panel, or facility that:
(1) Uses, captures, or converts wind or air currents to generate or manufacture electricity; or
(2) Uses, captures, or converts the light or heat generated by the sun to generate or manufacture electricity.
The bill specifies that the authority of any corporation to condemn property extends to the acquisition of rights needed for collection, distribution, and transmission lines and to other facilities needed to collect and deliver energy generated or manufactured by solar or wind facilities.
This bill is the same as HB 1750 (2024) and HB 1052(2023). |
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Chamber 1: Filed |
HB940 - Rep. Jeff Knight (R) - Modifies provisions related to net metering
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Chamber 1: Filed |
SB601 - Sen. Kurtis Gregory (R) - Modifies provisions relating to sewage regulation
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SB 601 - This act modifies provisions relating to sewage regulation. The act repeals the provision stating that a state standard for the location, size of sewage tanks and length of lateral lines is based on the percolation or permeability rate of the soil. Under the act, the state standard is based on soil properties. The act repeals the provision stating that soil tests are to be performed by persons who are qualified to perform the percolation tests and creates a new provision authorizing onsite soil evaluators registered by the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct soils morphology evaluations. This act repeals the provision stating that contractors may be taught and allowed to perform percolation tests. The act repeals provisions relating to the Department of Health and Senior Services periodically reviewing any county and city regulation and enforcement record to ensure that the state standard for sewage regulation is being enforced. The act creates a mandatory registration program requiring continuing education before January 1, 2026 for onsite wastewater treatment system professionals qualified to perform percolation tests in accordance with the state standard as described in the act. Before January 1, 2026, the administrative authority may accept a percolation test at its own discretion if a soil morphology evaluation cannot be reasonably obtained. This provision shall be void and of no effect after December 31, 2025. Under the act, any person who intends to construct or make major modifications or repairs to an on-site sewage disposal system must submit an application fee and obtain a construction permit. The act repeals certain provisions relating to fees for repair of on-site sewage disposal systems. Under the act, the Department shall promulgate regulations establishing the conditions and requirements for the construction permit application, including the collection of reasonable fees set at a level to produce revenue not exceeding the cost and expense of administering the provisions under the act. The act is identical to HB 200 (2025), HB 2083 (2024), HB 814 (2023), and substantially similar to SB 1283 (2024), and SB 523 (2023). JULIA SHEVELEVA
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Chamber 1: Filed |
HB1059 - Rep. Brad Banderman (R) - Modifies provisions relating to utilities
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Chamber 1: Filed |