Tracking List: MAC 2025 - Property & Personal Property Tax

Progress: Chamber 1: Filed

HB388 - Rep. Peggy McGaugh (R) - Modifies provisions relating to payments of real and personal property taxes
Summary: Currently, a township county can not allow taxpayers the option to pay any part of their real and personal property taxes on an annual, semiannual, or quarterly basis. This bill allows township counties the option to pass such an order or ordinance.

This bill is the same as HB 2356 (2024) and similar to HB 2356 (2024).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB599 - Sen. David Gregory (R) - Modifies provisions relating to property taxes
Summary: SB 599 - This act modifies provisions relating to property taxes.


This act provides that if the common level of assessment, as defined in the act, in a subclass is lower than the individual level of assessment, as defined in the act, of any parcel in such subclass, then the individual level of assessment for such parcel shall be reduced to the common level of assessment. Such reduction shall be made upon an appeal by the taxpayer. (Section 137.132)


Current law provides that, in any appeal in which an assessor fails to provide evidence of a physical inspection required by law, the taxpayer shall prevail as a matter of law. This act also provides that the assessor's increased assessed valuation shall be void in its entirety and the previous assessed valuation shall be applied. (Section 138.060)

Current law authorizes any first class charter county or city not within a county to require, by ordinance or charter, the reimbursement of just and reasonable appraisal costs, attorney fees, and court costs resulting from hearings before the State Tax Commission for taxpayer appeals of property assessments. This act requires such reimbursements. This act also increases the maximum amount of fees to be reimbursed from $1,000 to $5,000 for residential property appeals, and from $4,000 to $5,000 for utility, industrial railroad, or other subclass three property appeals. (Section 138.434)


Current law requires a taxpayer to file a written protest of property taxes with the collector at the same time such taxpayer makes full payment of such taxes. This act repeals such requirement.

This act also provides that the interest due to a taxpayer whose protested taxes were distributed to a taxing authority shall be calculated from the date that the protested taxes were distributed to the taxing authority through the date of the refund.

Any taxpayer determined by a circuit court or the State Tax Commission to be entitled to a refund of property taxes shall receive such refund from the collector within thirty days of the final determination of the refund amount by the circuit court or State Tax Commission. If such refund is not issued within thirty days, the taxpayer shall be entitled to interest on the refund as calculated under current law. (Section 139.031)

This act is identical to SB 1001 (2024) and is substantially similar to HCS/HB 2445 (2024), SS/SB 95 (2023), and SB 1108 (2022), and to provisions in SS/SCS/SB 15 (2023).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB921 - Rep. Mike Jones (R) - Authorizes the "Disabled Veteran Property Tax Relief Act" relating to a property tax exemption for certain disabled veterans
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HJR64 - Rep. Mike Costlow (R) - Proposes a Constitutional amendment granting homestead and personal property tax exemptions to certain veterans proportional to the veteran's disability rating
Summary: Upon voter approval, beginning January 2, 2027, this Constitutional amendment allows all real property used as a homestead, as defined by law, and all personal property, of any resident who is a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States or the Missouri National Guard and who has a service-connected disability rating to be partially or totally exempt from a taxation, proportional to the veteran's disability rating.

This bill is the same as HJR 95 (2024) and similar to HCS/HJR 52 (2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB859 - Rep. Louis Riggs (R) - Authorizes an income tax deduction for amounts paid towards tangible personal property taxes
Summary: Beginning January 1, 2026, a qualified taxpayer will be allowed a deduction from the taxpayer's Missouri adjusted gross income in an amount equal to 100% of all tangible personal property taxes actually paid by the qualified taxpayer in a given tax year on all tangible personal property taxes owed.

Only the amounts of personal property taxes actually paid by the taxpayer qualify for the deduction and only if the amounts are paid during the tax year for which this deduction is claimed. A deduction can not be claimed for the amount of tangible personal property tax that has been or is used in obtaining a state tax credit, exemption, subtraction, or a different deduction.

This bill is the same as HB 1812 (2024) and similar to HB 1097 (2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB772 - Rep. Bill Allen (R) - Modifies the "circuit breaker" tax credit by increasing the maximum upper limit and property tax credit amounts
Summary: Currently, a tax credit is offered to eligible senior citizens and disabled individuals for a portion of the real estate taxes or rent they have paid for the year. The credit is for a maximum of $750 for renters and $1,100 for owners who occupied their home. The actual credit is based on the amount of real estate taxes or rent paid and total household income.

Beginning January 1, 2026, the tax credit for renters shall be increased to $1,055. For homeowners, the tax credit shall be increased to $1,550. Beginning January 1, 2027, these totals shall be increased annually for inflation.

This bill also increases the maximum upper limits of qualifying income for both renters and homeowners. Beginning January 1, 2026, the following maximum upper limits shall be established:

(1) For an unmarried renter, $38,200; for a married renter, $41,000; and

(2) For an unmarried homeowner, $42,200; for a married homeowner, $48,000.

Beginning January 1, 2027, these totals shall be increased annually for inflation.

This bill also gives qualifying taxpayers a larger reimbursement of the tax credit by increasing the incremental phase out from $300 to $495.

This bill is the same as HB 1134 (2023) and similar to HB 135 (2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB708 - Rep. Philip Oehlerking (R) - Authorizes provisions to allow local taxing entities to establish totaled motor vehicle personal property tax proration programs for certain taxpayers to reduce property tax bills
Summary: This bill allows a taxing authority to establish a proration program for payments of personal property on totaled motor vehicles. The taxing authority may award a prorated property tax credit during the tax year to reduce the total personal property tax owed on a totaled motor vehicle and claimed against the amount of personal property tax due at the end of the same tax year.

The prorated property tax credit must be prorated on a monthly basis. The amount of the credit is determined by a ratio, where the numerator must be the number of full months from the date of disposition of the totaled motor vehicle continuing through the close of the tax year, and the denominator is 12. The prorated property tax credit is nonrefundable but may reduce the tax liability to zero.

A taxpayer may apply for this program if:

(1) The totaled vehicle was owned, registered, and titled under the taxpayer's name as of January 1 of the tax year in which the vehicle was totaled; or if owned by a business, the name of the business or authorized agent;

(2) The totaled vehicle was included on the local taxing entity's tax roll, and the taxpayer was liable for personal property taxes on the totaled vehicle;

(3) The taxpayer was up to date on all state and local taxes and fees owed on the totaled vehicle; and

(4) The title on the totaled vehicle has been transferred to the insurance company and is no longer titled or registered to the taxpayer nor in the taxpayer's possession;

If a taxpayer who participates in this program purchases a replacement vehicle during the same tax year that the taxpayer's vehicle was totaled and he or she received a prorated property tax credit, the replacement vehicle will not be included in the tax rolls for that tax year to offset the property tax liability. Taxation of the replacement vehicle must follow the normal assessment procedures.

A taxing entity must adopt a personal property tax proration program by way of an ordinance. The ordinance must include the following: (1) Procedures and deadlines for application and participation in the program, as well as required documentation, as specified in the bill;

(2) Procedures for verification and record keeping of the prorated property tax credit amount, as well as the amount of personal property tax to be modified;

(3) Creation of a form for use by taxpayers;

(4) Procedures for the crediting of the amount of the prorated property tax credit toward the taxpayer's personal property taxes; and

(5) Any other provision the taxing entity deems reasonable and necessary to implement and carry out the program.

The taxing entity may by ordinance establish rules and procedures for the program, and must make the information regarding the program available to the taxpayers.

A taxpayer who participates in the program will not have his or her right to protest the amount of the tax payments affected.
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HJR33 - Rep. Jeff Coleman (R) - Proposes a constitutional amendment relating to property tax
Summary: Currently, Missouri's Constitution requires rollbacks in property tax levies in certain situations. However, the Kansas City Public Schools are exempt from this provision.

Upon voter approval, this proposed Constitutional amendment would remove the Kansas City Public Schools exemption.

Beginning January 1, 2027, the operating levy of the Kansas City Public School District shall be set to the rate at which the school district would receive:

(1) The same amount of property tax revenue that it received in the 2026 tax year; and

(2) An additional percentage of property tax revenue that is to be calculated by multiplying the amount of the revenue received in the 2026 tax year by the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index over the 12 month period from December 2025 to November 2026.

Beginning January 1, 2028, the operating levy of the Kansas City Public School District will be set as provided in Article X of the Missouri Constitution and all applicable statutes governing property taxes and school district operating levies.

This resolution provides ballot language for the proposed amendment.

This bill is similar to HJR 116 (2024).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB518 - Rep. Mark Matthiesen (R) - Modifies the "circuit breaker" tax credit by increasing the maximum upper limit and property tax credit amounts
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB515 - Rep. Mark Matthiesen (R) - Authorizes taxpayers to submit petitions to reduce local tax rate levies
Summary: This bill establishes the "Taxation Oversight and Reduction Act".

A taxpayer may submit a petition to the local election authority with jurisdiction over a political subdivision for the reduction of the political subdivision's property tax rate, excluding any tax rate set to pay for bonds or debt services.

The reduction must not exceed 5% of the tax rate in effect on the day the question is submitted to voters, unless the maximum authorized levy is more than 5% higher than the current tax rate ceiling, in which case the reduction may be equal to the percentage necessary to reduce the maximum authorized levy to equal the tax rate ceiling.

A reduction of the same political subdivision's property tax rate may be submitted to voters no more than once every four years.

Petitioners must notify the political subdivision's local election authority of their intent to submit a petition and provide the local election authority a copy of the petition.

Upon notification, the local election authority must notify the taxpayer of the minimum required number of signatures to approve the petition, the estimated cost for signature verification, and the date by which the petition will be due in order for the question to be placed on the ballot.

The minimum signature requirement to place a tax reduction on the ballot will be 5% percent of the number of registered voters who voted in the most recent election of the political subdivision's governing body. The local election authority must verify that signatures are from registered voters of the political subdivision in question. Election authorities may charge petitioners a fee for signature verification, provided that the fee does not exceed $0.50 per signature.

If petitioners meet all requirements, the local election authority will place the tax reduction on the ballot of the next general municipal election. The form of the ballot question is specified in the bill.

If a majority of the registered voters of the political subdivision approve the reduction, the political subdivision must reduce the property tax rate by the percentage approved by the voters. This bill is the same as HB 1667 (2024).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HJR22 - Rep. Don Mayhew (R) - Proposes a constitutional amendment relating to taxation
Summary: Currently, certain real and personal property are exempt from taxation. Any county that loses revenue as a result of these exemptions can replace the revenue by imposing a tax on commercial real property within the county's border. If a county chooses to impose such a tax, a majority of voters within the county may decrease the newly imposed tax on commercial real property.

This proposed consitutional amendment, upon voter approval, allows the governing body of a county to decrease the newly imposed tax on commercial real property. The resolution also applies the provisions of Section 22, Article X of the Missouri Constitution to the newly imposed tax on commercial property.

Currently, the calculation of "total state revenues" includes certain revenue, fees, and funds, as defined for fiscal year 1980- 1981. This resolution repeals the base year of 1980-1981.

Currently, there is a limit on the total amount of taxes which may be imposed in any fiscal year on taxpayers. The limit is calculated by using the total state revenues from fiscal year 1980- 1981 and the personal income of Missouri in calendar year 1979. This resolution changes the effective date of implementation from fiscal year 1980-1981 to fiscal year 2027-2028. The resolution also changes the limiting calculation by using total state revenues from the previous fiscal year before implementation and the personal income of Missouri from the calendar year prior to the previous fiscal year before implementation.

Currently, the General Assembly must not increase taxes or fees without voter approval if the taxes or fees in total produce new annual revenues of a certain amount. This resolution repeals the definition of "new annual revenues". Instead, the resolution measures individual tax or fee increases by the increase in total state revenues collected during the first fiscal year following enactment. If a tax or fee change is to be implemented over multiple years, the increase in total state revenues from the first fiscal year following enactment will be used to extrapolate the total increase in revenues once fully implemented, and this result will be used for the compliance measurement for the year the General Assembly approved the tax or fee increase.

This resolution requires voter approval before any tax increase imposed by state statute may go into effect or for any existing tax imposed by statute to continue. During the general election of 2028, or at a special election called by the Governor, the voters must be asked the following question:

"Shall the taxes imposed in (list of Articles and Sections imposing a tax) of this Constitution expire?"

If a majority of the qualified voters answer in favor of the question, the listed taxes will expire at the end of the second fiscal year after the election was held. If a majority answer no, the listed taxes will not expire and must remain effective unless and until the questions is resubmitted. Additionally, if a majority answer no, the Secretary of State must resubmit the question at the general election every four years thereafter until the termination of the taxes is approved.

This bill is the same as HJR 126 (2024) nd similar to HJR 50, HJR 56, and HJR 35 (2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB411 - Rep. Cecelie Williams (R) - Requires the department of revenue to implement a property tax mapping feature and place all tax maps prominently on the department home page
Summary: Currently, the Department of Revenue (DOR) provides a mapping feature on its website that displays sales and use tax information of all political subdivisions in Missouri.

Beginning July 1, 2026, the DOR must prominently display links on the homepage of its website which direct the public to color-coded, interactive maps featuring data about sales and property taxes in all political subdivisions in the state.

All political subdivisions will provide the DOR with data relating to property taxes by January 1, 2026.

This bill is similar to SB 178 (2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB43 - Rep. Mike McGirl (R) - Modifies provisions relating to personal property tax valuations
Summary: Currently, determining the value of new construction or improvements to real property includes the additional assessed value of all improvements or additions to the real property which were begun after, and were not part of, the prior year's assessment. Determining the aggregate increase in value of personal property for the current year over that of the previous year is considered to be the equivalent of the new construction and improvements factor for personal property.

Under the provisions of this bill, beginning January 1, 2026, any increase in the aggregate valuation of personal property for the current year over that of the previous year will not be counted as new construction.

Currently, the assessor of each county must use of the October issue of the National Automobile Dealers' Association Official Used Car Guide (NADA)to determine the true value of motor vehicles.

This bill allows the State Tax Commission (STC)to choose a nationally recognized automotive trade publication such as the NADA, Kelley Blue Book, Edmunds, or other similar publication. The assessor of each county will then use the trade-in value published in the current October issue of the publication selected by the STC.

This bill is similar to HB 2430 (2024) and HB 754 (2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB457 - Sen. Mike Henderson (R) - Modifies the Senior Citizens Property Tax Relief Credit
Summary: SB 457 - Current law authorizes an income tax credit for certain senior citizens and disabled veterans in amount equal to a portion of such taxpayer's property tax liabilities, with the amount of the credit dependent on the taxpayer's income and property tax liability. This act modifies the definition of "income" to increase the amount deducted from Missouri adjusted gross income from $2,000 to $5,000, or, for claimants who owned and occupied the residence for the entire year, such amount is increased from $4,000 to $5,000. (Section 135.010)

Additionally, current law limits the tax credit to qualifying taxpayers with an income of $27,500 or less, or $30,000 in the case of a homestead owned and occupied by a claimant for the entire year. This act increases such maximum income to $32,500, or $40,000 in the case of a homestead owned and occupied by a claimant for the entire year. (Section 135.030)

This act is substantially similar to SB 822 (2024), SB 930 (2024), HCS/HB 1428 (2024), HB 1670 (2024), HB 1939 (2024), HB 2050 (2024), HB 666 (2023), and HCS/HB 1134 (2023), and to provisions in HB 1636 (2024), SS/SCS/SB 15 (2023), HCS/SS/SB 143 (2023), HCS/SB 247 (2023), and HB 1351 (2023).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB388 - Sen. Rusty Black (R) - Modifies provisions relating to the collection of delinquent property taxes
Summary: SB 388 - Current law prohibits certain individuals from purchasing delinquent properties at a land auction. This act repeals such prohibitions.

Current law also places certain restrictions on purchasers residing in the city of St. Joseph. This act expands such restrictions to all purchasers. (Section 140.190)

This act repeals a provision that prohibits land bank agencies from purchasing certain properties unless they are adjacent to real property already owned by the land bank agency. (Section 140.984)

Finally, this act repeals a provision requiring land bank agencies to sell all property acquired through purchase, transfer, exchange, or gift. (Section 140.985)


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB294 - Sen. Rick Brattin (R) - Modifies provisions relating to personal property taxes
Summary: SB 294 - Current law requires that personal property be assessed at 33.3% of its true value in money. This act requires political subdivisions to annually reduce such percentage such that the amount by which the revenue generated by taxes levied on such personal property is reduced is substantially equal to one hundred percent of the growth in revenue generated by real property assessment growth, as defined in the act. Annual reductions shall be made until December 31, 2074. Thereafter, the percentage of true value in money at which personal property is assessed shall be equal to the percentage in effect on December 31, 2074.

Subject to appropriations, a political subdivision that receives less than the allowable amount of total real and personal property tax revenues shall be eligible for reimbursement from the state in an amount equal to the amount by which such revenues are below the allowable amount.

This act is identical to SB 1086 (2024), SB 725 (2024), and SB 733 (2024), and to a provision in SS/SB 1207 (2024), and is substantially similar to SS/SCS/SB 8 (2023) and SB 493 (2023), and to a provision in HCS/SS/SB 23 (2023), HCS/SS#3/SCS/SB 131 (2023), SS/SCS/SB 133 (2023), as amended, HCS/SS/SB 143 (2023), HCS/SB 247 (2023), and SCS/HCS#2/HB 713 (2023).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB274 - Sen. Nick Schroer (R) - Modifies provisions relating to personal property taxes
Summary: SB 274 - Current law requires that personal property be assessed at 33.3% of its true value in money. This act requires political subdivisions to annually reduce such percentage such that the amount by which the revenue generated by taxes levied on such personal property is reduced is substantially equal to one hundred percent of the growth in revenue generated by real property assessment growth, as defined in the act. Annual reductions shall be made until December 31, 2074. Thereafter, the percentage of true value in money at which personal property is assessed shall be equal to the percentage in effect on December 31, 2074.

Subject to appropriations, a political subdivision that receives less than the allowable amount of total real and personal property tax revenues shall be eligible for reimbursement from the state in an amount equal to the amount by which such revenues are below the allowable amount.

This act is identical to SB 725 (2024), SB 733 (2024), and SB 1086 (2024), and to a provision in SS/SB 1207 (2024), and is substantially similar to SS/SCS/SB 8 (2023) and SB 493 (2023), and to a provision in HCS/SS/SB 23 (2023), HCS/SS#3/SCS/SB 131 (2023), SS/SCS/SB 133 (2023), as amended, HCS/SS/SB 143 (2023), HCS/SB 247 (2023), and SCS/HCS#2/HB 713 (2023).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB171 - Sen. Joe Nicola (R) - Modifies provisions relating to personal property taxes
Summary: SB 171 - Current law requires that personal property be assessed at 33.3% of its true value in money. This act requires political subdivisions to annually reduce such percentage by 3.3%. Annual reductions shall be made until the assessment percentage is equal to 0.3% of the true value in money beginning with the 2036 tax year.


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB101 - Sen. Mike Cierpiot (R) - Modifies the Senior Citizens Property Tax Relief Credit
Summary: SB 101 - Current law authorizes an income tax credit for certain senior citizens and disabled veterans in amount equal to a portion of such taxpayer's property tax liabilities, not to exceed $750 in rent constituting property taxes actually paid or $1,100 in actual property tax paid. This act annually adjusts such maximum amounts for inflation. (Section 135.025)

Additionally, current law limits the tax credit to qualifying taxpayers with an income of $27,500 or less, or $30,000 in the case of a homestead owned and occupied by a claimant for the entire year. This act increases such maximum income to $35,000, or $38,000 in the case of a homestead owned and occupied by a claimant for the entire year, and annually adjusts both amounts for inflation. (Section 135.030)

This act is identical to SB 930 (2024) and to provisions in SS/SCS/SB 15 (2023), and is substantially similar to SB 822 (2024), HCS/HB 1428 (2024), HB 1670 (2024), HB 1939 (2024), HB 2050 (2024), HB 666 (2023), and HCS/HB 1134 (2023), and to provisions in HB 1636 (2024), HCS/SS/SB 143 (2023), HCS/SB 247 (2023), and HB 1351 (2023).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
SB64 - Sen. Tracy McCreery (D) - Modifies the Senior Citizens Property Tax Relief Credit
Summary: SB 64 - Current law authorizes an income tax credit for certain senior citizens and disabled veterans in amount equal to a portion of such taxpayer's property tax liabilities, with the amount of the credit dependent on the taxpayer's income and property tax liability. This act modifies the definition of "income" to increase the amount deducted from Missouri adjusted gross income from $2,000 to $2,800, or, for claimants who owned and occupied the residence for the entire year, such amount is increased from $4,000 to $5,800. (Section 135.010)

The maximum allowable credit under current law is limited to $750 in rent constituting property taxes actually paid or $1,100 in actual property tax paid. This act increases such amounts to $1,055 and $1,550, respectively, and annually adjusts such maximum amounts for inflation. (Section 135.025)

Additionally, current law limits the tax credit to qualifying taxpayers with an income of $27,500 or less, or $30,000 in the case of a homestead owned and occupied by a claimant for the entire year. This act increases such maximum income to $38,200 for claimants with a filing status of single, $42,200 for claimants with a filing status of single and who owned and occupied a homestead for the entire year, $41,000 for claimants with a filing status of married filing combined, and $48,000 for claimants with a filing status of married filing combined and who owned and occupied a homestead for the entire year, and annually adjusts such amounts for inflation. (Section 135.030)

This act is identical to SB 822 (2024) and is substantially similar to SB 930 (2024), HCS/HB 1428 (2024), HB 1670 (2024), HB 1939 (2024), HB 2050 (2024), HB 666 (2023), and HCS/HB 1134 (2023), and to provisions in HB 1636 (2024), SS/SCS/SB 15 (2023), HCS/SS/SB 143 (2023), HCS/SB 247 (2023), and HB 1351 (2023).


Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HJR6 - Rep. Dave Griffith (R) - Proposes a constitutional amendment relating to property tax exemptions
Summary: Currently, all real property used as a homestead of any citizen of this state who is a former prisoner of war and who has a total service-connected disability, is exempt from taxation.

Upon voter approval, this proposed Constitutional amendment would exempt all real property used as a homestead from taxation for any military veteran who is a resident of this state and has a 100% service-connected disability as determined by the US Department of Veterans Affairs, and any military veteran who is a citizen of this state and a former prisoner of war.

If the 100% disabled veteran is deceased, the surviving spouse may continue using the exemption on the homestead property, provided that the surviving spouse uses, occupies, and maintains the homestead on which the disabled veteran was granted the original exemption. If the exempt homestead is subsequently sold or if the surviving spouse discontinues use of the property as the primary homestead, the exemption will expire.

This bill is the same as HJR 75 (2024) and similar to HJR 11 (2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB45 - Rep. Mike McGirl (R) - Modifies the "circuit breaker" tax credit by increasing the maximum upper limits and adjusting the property tax credit income phase-out increment amounts
Summary: This bill amends statutes related to senior citizen property tax relief, also known as the Circuit Breaker tax credit.

This tax credit is available to any eligible senior citizen or disabled veteran for a portion of the real estate taxes or rent that the individual paid for the year. To qualify for the tax credit, the individual's income cannot exceed the maximum upper limit set by statute.

The maximum upper limit varies depending on the circumstances of the individual claiming the tax credit: whether the individual is single or filing jointly with a spouse; or whether the individual is renting or owns and occupies a homestead.

This bill increases the maximum income in the following manner, beginning January 1, 2026:

For homeowners: from $30,000, now $40,000. Unmarried homeowner can currently subtract $2,000, and married homeowners $4,000, from their adjusted gross income in establishing their income for the purpose of this tax credit. That amount will change to $5,000 under this bill;

For renters: from $27,500, now $32,500; Renters can currently subtract $2,000 from their adjusted gross income in establishing their income for the purpose of this tax credit. That amount will change to $5,000 under this bill.

The actual amount of the tax credit is determined by the individual's income in relation to the minimum base of $14,300. Currently, the tax credit cannot exceed $1,100 in actual property taxes paid for a homeowner, or $750 in rent constituting property taxes actually paid for renters. Beginning January 1, 2026, this bill changes the calculation for incomes over the minimum base.

This bill is similar to HB 1428 (2024) and HCS SS SCS SB 133 (2023).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed
HB55 - Rep. Willard Haley (R) - Prohibits counties from charging interest on entire personal property tax liabilities when a taxpayer has made installment payments
Summary: This bill prohibits counties from charging interest on an entire real or personal property tax liability when a taxpayer misses an installment payment. The bill requires that the county charge interest, but only on the amount still owed for that year, including the late installment.

This bill is similar to HB 1429 (2024).
Progress: Chamber 1: Filed